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Diecut greeting Banners A4 Sheet
Colour Gold On White
Wedding Day - Congratulations - To A Special Couple - On Your Wedding Day - Wedding Day Wishes - To Both of You - A Wedding Wish - Wedding Day Wishes - On this your very Special Wedding Day - Happiness is sent to you on your wedding Day - Congratulation to you bothmay you be very happy -love -Enjoy your Day - May your special Daay be filled with lots of Happiness - To a Special Couple -Wedding Day Wishes to you both - Wedding Day Dreams will all come true .
Get Well Soon - Cogratulations - Thank You - All I Want To Say Is Thank you - Thanking You - Get Well - Just to Say Thank you - Get Well Our Thoughts are With You - Hope you Get Well Soon - Congratulations you did It - A Special Thank you -Thanks A Million - May you have a speedy Recovery - Thank you for all that you Do .
Baby Boy - Baby Girl - A little Baby Boy - A little Baby Girl - A New Baby Boy - A New Baby Girl - Congratulations - Birth Congratulations - Congratulations on the Birth of your little baby Girl - Congratulations on the Birth of your little baby Boy - A Bouncing Baby Girl to bring you so much joy - A Bouncing Baby Boy to bring you so much joy - Baby Joy - Wishing you lots of Happiness with your new baby Girl - Wishing you lots of Happiness with your new baby Boy - A Beautiful Baby Girl - A Beautiful Baby Boy - A New Baby Girl - A New Baby Boy.
Colour Silver On White
With Love to you - I Love you -Yours Forever - My Love is yours - I love you always -With all my Love - Because I Share my life with you My heart is filled with happiness - My Love will be yours forever - For a very Specail Person in my Life - Thinking of you Always with Love - With Love to you from me - Sent with all my love to you - You are that special person in my life - our love will last forever because its you im with - love to you - My wishes came true when I found you .
Happy Christmas - Seasons Greetings - Christmas Wishes - Wishing you lots of Happiness at Christmas - Best Wishes for the festive Season Best wishes Christmas Wishes are comming your way - Seasons Greeting may this time of year be filled with Happiness -May all you Christmas Wishes come true - Have Great Christmas-Thinking of you at christmas - Sent with love at Christmas - Enjoy yourself this christmas - Always Thinking of you.
Colour Red On White
Colour Green On White