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Beautiful Butterflies with a holographic edge Slightly different in size width biggest 11/2inches x 11/4inches
The pictures do not do them justice
Butterflies Blue 3 Large & 5 small
Beautiful Butterflies with a holographic edge Slightly different in size
Le Suh Pyramides - Piramid Twist - DECOUPAGE, TWISTED PYRAMAGE.Pyramids - Cat and Dog in the Garden with Butterfly
Pyramids - Laughing Frog hold a daisy under a White Spotted Red Mushroom - Butterfly
Butterflies Dark Green Size Wing Span Approx 1 inch x hiegtht 3/4"
Butterflies Red Size Wing Span Approx 1 inch x height 3/4"
Butterflies Lilca Size Wing Span Approx 1 inch x height 3/4"
Butterflies Light Blue Size Wing Span Approx 1 inch x height 3/4"